Friday 9 December 2011

Movie review lg?- Arthur Christmas

wargh,,da dua post berturut2 mr S post about movie,,aishhh,nk wat cmna, da movie j yg mr S terfikir nk tulis.btw, kelmarin,mr S ad pg TGV tengok movie
Arthur Chrismas 

my comment,,erm,agk best la but x brapa best,haaaaaaaaaaaa cmna tu?haha.still crita ni cam catchy2 skit.sgt sesuai utk bdk2.crita ni mostly about arthur,ank santa yg sgt2 clumsy but then hati dia sgt2 baik.on christmas eve,santa dah tertinggal seorang bdak utk dberi hadiah but then x da spa pon nk ambil pduli coz cuma seorng bdak dlam berjuta-juta org yg,arthur pon ambil jln dia sndiri with grand santa utk pergi beri sndiri hdiah utk bdak tu.nk tahu camna?tngok ler S da x lrat nk tulis :D

anyway,, mr S is concern.

Thursday 1 December 2011

interest For today :)

actually, mr S didn't have anything to say here but just a moment ago,, mr S suddenly thought about something,,
                                              *drum rolling*
jeng,,,jeng jeng.....................
                                                      the incredible Celtic Women

omg,,the voices and harmony,,,
     that were epic,,sooooooooooooooooooooo incredible!!
they were very famous in Ireland,and all the western mr S,,they worth it..haha
seriously,,you should listen to them sometimes,,
it makes your heart calm though,,,haha
that for now,,
mr S

TWILIGHT : Breaking Dawn Part 1

ni post yg 2nd,,aishh,rs mcm ad bnyak j yg nak tulis but then bla da bkk desk,,erm,nk tulis ap ntah..
btw,,mggu lpas mr S ad la pgi tngok twilight breaking dawn part 1,damn,napa la p wat part 1 part2 mesti kes nk mniru harry potter la ni.

mr S review about twilight : Breaking Dawn,,,,damn awesome compare to new moon and eclipse,,ermm.mmg best but still i prefer the first one though.haha.

BEST QUOTE : the first year is the hardest...haha
Edward & Bella had totally made this story into a whole new level,,thumbs up guys

p/s: x sbar la nk tngok renesmee bla bsar nnt,,soooooooooooooooooo cun.x caya k?ni gambar dia,,bley la klu nk google :)